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A division of Grace Light Ministries & Wild Prints Magazine

Beyond the Voice of Nature

The Companion (online) Publication to Wild Prints Magazine

By Kelly Grōth


In my welcome letter (in the premier issue) of Wild Prints Magazine, I describe how it is both a nature and a faith magazine. Although our title, "Wild Prints," emphasizes nature, our subtheme, "Experiencing God in the Great Outdoors," is a thread that runs throughout. While we do not shy away from mentioning God, we try not to go so deep spiritually that we lose the attention of those who are at an earlier stage of their faith journey. At the same time, we do not want to neglect anyone who has a hearty spiritual appetite. That is why we’ve created God Prints, a periodical dedicated to spiritual growth and discipleship. God Prints will be our gift—it’s free—to anyone desiring to know God. With this premiere issue, we’ll begin with a study on getting to know God in "Back to Paradise" and then (in future issues) move to the deeper waters of what it means to be a follower of Christ.

The name Wild Prints was intended to draw attention to my focus on wildlife and the outdoor photo prints I was beginning to sell to help support my photography. Just as that name alludes to the prints wild animals leave behind, letting us know what kind of creature was there, the title God Prints is intended to draw attention to the handiwork of God (His "fingerprints"), which helps us see what kind of Creator was (and is) here.
As I was putting together my thoughts for Wild Prints Magazine, my wife, Amber, said, "It needs to be a faith magazine." As I pondered and prayed about that, I sensed that she was right. So, when I wrote the initial articles, some had a lot of theological language—I have a hard time not going deep. And, after our friend Greg started looking over those pieces, he shook his head no and challenged me about the message we would be sending. After all, the main title is Wild Prints Magazine (an outdoors magazine), yet it would be full of in-depth spiritual articles. That was hard for me to hear, but I knew he was right.
These two works (Wild Prints Magazine and God Prints) are designed to bring balance. It’s not surprising that God has led me in this direction. After all, God is not generally out in nature audibly crying out, "Here I am!" No, He lets creation itself proclaim who He is. Those who desire to listen will naturally turn to Him, and He will reveal more of Himself to them.

But ask the beasts, and they will teach you; the birds of the heavens, and they will tell you; or the bushes of the earth, and they will teach you; and the fish of the sea will declare to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? (Job 12:7-9).


God does not force a relationship with Himself on anyone, nor does He hurry the (spiritually) young along beyond what they are ready for. He is patient. And that is the character I desire to emulate in these publications.
I love you all! My desire is for you to know Him. If you "have ears to hear," I invite you to go beyond the voice of nature to hear the voice of God. Sound crazy? It’s not.

"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow Me" (John 10:27).

God bless!

Kelly (& Amber) Grōth

Please click here for Wild Prints Magazine, or to see some of our photography.

© 2023 BY Kelly & Amber Grōth

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